Enhancing Collaboration: Introducing Task Assignment in CareNote

Three care providers seated on chairs and couches discussing pastoral care tasks assignments.
Use CareNote to manage tasks via task assignments in CareNote

We're excited to announce a new feature in CareNote that will improve how you manage and delegate tasks within your care team. With our latest update, you can now assign tasks to other CareNote users, streamlining your workflow and improving collaboration.

Key Features of Task Assignment:

  1. Effortless Delegation: When creating a new task, you now have the option to assign it to any CareNote user in your organization. This feature allows for easy distribution of responsibilities among team members.
  2. Default Assignment: For convenience, tasks are automatically assigned to the logged-in user by default. This ensures that if you're creating a task for yourself, there's no need for extra steps.
  3. Flexible Reassignment: Need to redistribute workload? No problem. You can easily reassign tasks to different team members as needed, adapting to changing circumstances or availability.
  4. Instant Notifications: Once a task is assigned, the designated user will receive a notification. This can be either a SMS message or an email, depending on their personal notification settings.
  5. Clear Accountability: With assigned tasks, it's always clear who is responsible for what, reducing confusion and improving overall team efficiency.

How It Works:

    1. Create a new task as usual in CareNote.
    2. Look for the new "Assign To" field in the task creation form.
    3. Select the desired team member from the dropdown list.
    4. Complete the rest of the task details and save.
    5. The assigned user will be notified according to their preferences.


  • Improved Team Coordination: Easily delegate and track responsibilities across your care team.
  • Increased Productivity: Ensure that tasks are distributed efficiently and nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Enhanced Communication: Keep everyone in the loop with automatic notifications for assigned tasks.
  • Flexibility: Adapt to changing needs by reassigning tasks as required.

We believe this new task assignment feature will significantly enhance your team's ability to provide coordinated, efficient care. By leveraging this tool, you can ensure that every team member is aware of their responsibilities and can act promptly on assigned tasks.

We're eager to hear your feedback on this new feature. How has it improved your workflow? Are there any additional assignment capabilities you'd like to see? Your input is invaluable as we continue to evolve CareNote to meet your needs.

Stay tuned for more updates and features designed to make your care management smoother and more effective!

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